All the Pretty Flowers
He is How long?
A peice of heaven, drifted down from above
On His Way
Dr. Thorpe said that there was nothing that could be done to slow the labor, even with all the medications they were pumping in me trying to stop it. Due to a Placenta Abruption I had an emergency C-Section and John Scott was born at 1:49 a.m. January 5th.
In-Utero Snowshoeing
Did you Feel That?
Cletus the Fetus
The Name Game
Never did we talk about John or Scott......Like they say, once there here, it comes to you!
My Growing Belly
I should have started taking pictures earlier but I never thought of it until 20 weeks. Its amazing to see how fast it grows once you get to a certain point. I felt huge by this point and At 25 weeks when I had the baby, the Dr. was amazed at how small I still was. I begged to differ. By 25 weeks I had no torso left to fill, so the only direction the baby would have been going is OUT
Nursery Time
Copper is not quite sure what to think of this room....formerly his room that he got kicked out of. He just wanders in and out whining.
1 fighting baby
After trying for 2 years, taking tempuratures and fertility drugs for 8 months , the test actually said "positive" I couldnt believe it!
What is so easy and natural for most people to acheive, was totally scientific and medical for us.
I knew as soon as I was pregnant, I was exhausted and couldnt even stay awake at work. At 8weeks when we went to the specialist for the ultra sound, it showed twins......Words seriously can not express the random thoughts that go through your head at that very moment. I was thinking....we better get a bigger car! no wonder I was so tired
One of the twins was bigger than the other one, and this picture is baby "B". Baby A, looked like it was struggling to keep up, and its heart was not as strong. Dr. Petersons said that we would just have to wait to see what happens.