
All the Pretty Flowers

When Brian and I came home from the hospital we were greeted with a housefull of flowers. We counted a totall of 15 vases of flowers. We felt so fortunate to have such great family and friends that were there to support us.

Oh the pretty snow

I will never forget the day John Scott was born, As I held him, I looked outside and watched the heavy snow falling for hours. Everything was blanketed in pure white, I found it so fitting that as soon as he arrived, the world we were in seemed so pure and bright.

Our Shining Angel

He is How long?

After We bathed and dressed John Scott, I asked the nurse to see how long he was. I thought that he would have been around 10 inches long, maybe 11. when I saw the measuring tape at 13 inches I was actually quite surprised that he was that long. Can you imagine how long he would have been at full term?

First Bath

A peice of heaven, drifted down from above

We couldn't believe how beautiful our son was and always will be. They say that you will never understand a parents love until you have your own child. Once you see your child, you know exactly what they mean.

On His Way

It was a normal and boring Friday, Brian and were at Macaroni Grill eating dinner and got home at 10:00p.m. 30 minuets later, it was very clear that John Scott was on his way. We rushed to the American Fork hospital only to be told, my situation was to dangerous and that we needed to be at Utah valley. At one point they were going to life flight me there but thankfully, we went by ambulance so that Brian could come with me.
Dr. Thorpe said that there was nothing that could be done to slow the labor, even with all the medications they were pumping in me trying to stop it. Due to a Placenta Abruption I had an emergency C-Section and John Scott was born at 1:49 a.m. January 5th.


In-Utero Snowshoeing

24 Weeks
Johns Scott's first winnter recreation "In-Untero" was on new years day. Brian, Kimmy, Copper and I went up South Fork Canyon to snowshoe. What a beaturiful day it was!
Copper even came for the adventure....He even has snow shoes

Did you Feel That?

21 Weeks
WOW, I finally figured out what everyone was talking about....Its not a gas buble in my stomach....Its a foot! It is so strange to watch your belly move around, I think it becomame real at this point! There is really something in there! One thing is for sure......He doesnt ever change positions. His hand is always on my right side and his foot is always on the left. We later discvered that he was stuck sideways and would have never been able to change positions because the way my uterus was shaped....

Cletus the Fetus

From the day travis (Brians little Bro.) found out I was pregnant, he has always called the baby "Cletus the Fetus" I know its totally redneck but hilarious at the same time. I asked him what he would call it if it was a girl and he said....."Cletus the Fetus".......Guess a nickname never dies, as many of you can recall, it was even said at John Scott's Funeral.

The Name Game

Even before I got pregnant, I always thought of names for babies. About 18 weeks, we started getting serious about it. Of course the names that I liked, Brian didn't and the names he liked....well they were ridiculously out of this world ( On Purpose). These were my favorites:

Never did we talk about John or Scott......Like they say, once there here, it comes to you!

My Growing Belly

20 Weeks
Finally in Maternity pants without them falling off, although this picture makes me look huge!
23 Weeks

24 Weeks
25 Weeks

I should have started taking pictures earlier but I never thought of it until 20 weeks. Its amazing to see how fast it grows once you get to a certain point. I felt huge by this point and At 25 weeks when I had the baby, the Dr. was amazed at how small I still was. I begged to differ. By 25 weeks I had no torso left to fill, so the only direction the baby would have been going is OUT

Nursery Time

Brian and I had determined that this was giong to be an all boy nursery! We searched for weeks to find the right crib....and finnaly we found it! Why is it, that the one you want is always to most expensive?????? After we found the crib, we got it all set up. That was a chore. We did it upside down, and backwards and had to take it all apart and do it again.

We finally found the bedding at pottery barn, its so hard to find boy bedding that isnt smothered with trains, bob the builder and who knows what else! We decided to stick with the pinstripes for antique baseball.

Copper is not quite sure what to think of this room....formerly his room that he got kicked out of. He just wanders in and out whining.


November 2007
At 16 weeks we got another ultrasound done to check to make sure that the baby was doing ok, normally you dont get to find out what the sex is until 20 weeks, but I will say that we have the VIP treatment lately. Because he is "ALL BOY" it was quite obvious to see!
While we were there, we saw his brain, his spine, liver, and lungs. He weigh's 7 oz and his heart is pounding so fast!
See the boy parts??
Spine, profile and his hand
That's a mighty big foot
Thumb sucker, born young

1 fighting baby

We went back to the specialst at 13 weeks for another ultrasound on the babies, We were very sad to see that ot was obvious on the screen that there was jsut 1 baby there. Dr, Peterson said that Baby "A" just got weaker and its heart probably stopped beating. He said that its better when mother nature takes its course so that we dont have a sick baby.

It is so ironic to feel so joyful over the health of one baby, but so sadened over the death of another.
If you look closely at the picture, you can actually see the amnitoc sac, his little arm and leg buds, and the umbelical cord, Its the coolest thing Ive ever seen
September 2007

After trying for 2 years, taking tempuratures and fertility drugs for 8 months , the test actually said "positive" I couldnt believe it!
What is so easy and natural for most people to acheive, was totally scientific and medical for us.
I knew as soon as I was pregnant, I was exhausted and couldnt even stay awake at work. At 8weeks when we went to the specialist for the ultra sound, it showed twins......Words seriously can not express the random thoughts that go through your head at that very moment. I was thinking....we better get a bigger car! no wonder I was so tired
One of the twins was bigger than the other one, and this picture is baby "B". Baby A, looked like it was struggling to keep up, and its heart was not as strong. Dr. Petersons said that we would just have to wait to see what happens.